Tel/Fax: 01449 673890
Please be advised that The Firs Park Homes have no control over the content of the following sites and are in no way responsible for content or advertisements on the websites.
Park Home related
Platinum Seal 10 year warranty
Free 10 year structural
warranty on new park homes
NPHC Safety Approval
Always make sure homes have the
National Park Homes Council APPROVED badge on them for your peace of mind.
home living
A one-stop resource packed with useful information, help
and advice pages about park homes and park home estates.
Trade bodies
British Holiday & Home Parks Association
BH&HPA is the only organisation established exclusively to serve and
represent the interests of the British parks industry.
National Park
Homes Council
The National Park Homes Council (NPHC) is the specialist
representative body for the residential Park Home industry. NPHC, a division of
the National Caravan Council, deals solely with residential park home
Here is a selection of Park Home manufacturers that we are happy to
Homes Ltd
Country Homes
If you would like to know more about
the differences between manufacturers and our experiences with them, please ask
before buying your home. We've experienced some real horror stories and would
like to ensure you don't fall into the same traps.
About Bury St Edmunds
Here is a selection of general information sites relating to Bury St
Edmundsbury Borough Council
The Bury
Press - local newspaper